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Tuesday, 9 June 2015


I personally do not believe there are certain rules and guidelines into having a stable smooth relationship that one must adhere strictly to. However, I do believe that before getting committed to anything in life, there should be things we called GOALS set aside in order to remain focus. This cannot be overlooked when it comes to matters of the heart. If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end somewhere else, most times, where you dont want to be.

Can we just try to close our eyes for a minute and imagine our lives with no goals? I bet you will feel the void, the emptiness right now.

Goals to relationship is very important just like how important setting goals for our lives really matters.Just like the saying "What is good for the goose is also good for the gander". From small goals like why we wake up to brush our teeth to considering whether we want a career path or to having a child or not matters.

When it comes to setting goals, marriage and relationship goals are always left at the curb because most people believe they will take care of themselves.

 please continue after the cut

Before setting any goal for your relationship, you have to set goals for yourself personally so that you and your partner can be on the same page or almost on the same page. This is to prevent any plates shifting so as to avoid any earthquake or catastrophe on the long run.

 Questions like
Why do I want to be in this relationship?
What do I want for this relationship?
Who do I have to be to have the type of relationship that I want?
How can I improve the connection and ties in my relationship?
This time next year, where do I want my relationship to be?
What do I want in this relationship?

Partners should sit each other down, ask themselves what they want, why they are in the relationship together, and why they should stay in the relationship.

People come together for different reasons, some relationship are just basically there to have fun and nothing else! Even this type of relationship needs goal- just to have fun, do not expect much from it. Don't get me wrong, you are meant to have fun in your relationship but at the same time, you should know where you are going so you wont be a victim and end up anywhere. We do not have two lives but we can make the most out of this one life we have got!
 Things get rough most times in a relationships but these goals should stand as basis why you guys are together in the first place, and should help in bringing you guys together. Goals are there to guide you, not to mislead you, who knows if you are about cheating on your partner, if the relationship goals questions listed above are in your head,mind or heart already, I think it should be enough to be your checkpoint before taken that step.

Relationships are suppose to give meanings to our lives, this happens especially when our life goals aligned with our relationship goals. Also, goals are important in relationships so as to make us a better person, the best version of what and who you want to be. Goals are there to bring out the best in you, both in life and relationship settings.

Many unhappy relationships end because one or more of the involved party doesn't take the time to listen to the other,which results in miscommunication and lack of understanding,or how do you want to achieve your relationship goals whenb you do not listen to each other? Communication is very important as it is the basis of one of the fundamentals of understanding. In improving the way you listen, many conflicts and arguments can become easily avoidable and there you are, setting to achieve your common goals!!! 
Your comments, ideas and contributions would highly appreciated! HAPPY READING

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