real to the core

health+lifestyle+inspiration+style+fashion+entertainment etc.....

Friday, 19 June 2015

You will so feel on fleek and amazing,after taking this incredible detox drink

I fell ill some couple of days ago, well, I am back on my feet and I have never felt so good! Asides taking all those bitter drugs prescribed by the doctor, I had to find a way to feel light, regain my appetite, my weight, without adding much, especially my belly area. So I had to create a homemade detox drink for myself. I started taking this drink not only to detoxify my system, but also to increase my metabolism, reduce my belly fat, also to keep me fresh, and reduce my cravings for sugar. I take coke (coca cola) a lot.
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Thursday, 11 June 2015


So here I come again, with my so called outfits. Remember my ladies, it is not until when you expose your body, that you should feel acceptable or make a statement about your existence. For guys, I am still coming for you * tongue out*.The world today,especially from the so-called celebrity world is turning fashion and acceptability into something else. Before you finished opening a link to check for celebs pictures, you would have seen tons of half naked women. You can check some of my own personal dress sense in this post as you read

Most of these celebs hide under the umbrella of art just to explore their own dirty way of thinking. Little do they realize how strong their impacts are in the lives of young girls and boys like  me growing up *chuckles,am still young*. We all need to brace ourselves up, we all need to start differentiating the right from the wrong, we need to start setting our own standards. Indulging yourself all in the name of art or acceptance to expose your body is not the right way to feel acceptable by the society.

Fashion or how you dress is the number one factor that expresses your self being before you open  your mouth to talk. There is a saying that 'you should not judge a book by it's cover' but the same saying states that "first impression lasts longer" and we do not want to leave a bad impression with anybody, do we?

Tuesday, 9 June 2015


I personally do not believe there are certain rules and guidelines into having a stable smooth relationship that one must adhere strictly to. However, I do believe that before getting committed to anything in life, there should be things we called GOALS set aside in order to remain focus. This cannot be overlooked when it comes to matters of the heart. If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end somewhere else, most times, where you dont want to be.

Can we just try to close our eyes for a minute and imagine our lives with no goals? I bet you will feel the void, the emptiness right now.

Goals to relationship is very important just like how important setting goals for our lives really matters.Just like the saying "What is good for the goose is also good for the gander". From small goals like why we wake up to brush our teeth to considering whether we want a career path or to having a child or not matters.

When it comes to setting goals, marriage and relationship goals are always left at the curb because most people believe they will take care of themselves.

 please continue after the cut


So I made a new discovery when I was having my dinner. I just cultivated the habit of eating fruits as dinner now that I get home late everyday from my daily work-school routine. Most times, I am too tired to eat heavy foods late in the night also because I am trying to prevent a big tummy. lol. Let me save you from the long story.
I was eating my fruits, water melon to be precised and too tired to be throwing away the seed all the time, it can be frustrating you know? So I google up the side effects of eating or chewing up the water melon seeds, then I came across some great eye openers!!!! You heard me right!

Friday, 17 April 2015

BABY PHOTO CONTEST!!!! His Royal Cuteness Oghenetevre...

Hey guys.. I know this is a new blog but one of this blog reader needs our help by voting for her cute baby Oghenetevre Jeremy Luya. Okay Let us hear it from the baby oh sorry man himself , loool. Oh yes from Tevre himself as popularly called.

Heellloooo,my name is Oghenetevre Luya , you can just call me Tbobo, or Freshie and Tboo because I am very cool like that! I am one year old. I am a very schweet little smart baby. I started reciting 1 ,2,3,4,5 at just 10 months old (imagine hehehehe) I am amazingly strong just like superman,agile like captain America, sharp and playful like Ironman, exciting and amiable just like Mr. Batman. My memory and ability to  catch whatever goes around makes me a wonder to be around (just like a super kid.hehehe). So to cut the long story short about how fabulous I am, my sweet mummy that knows how amazing I am registered me in a photo contest. I wanctyu to vote for me so that I can smile more and shine my white teeth at everybody and make them happy. I am sending you plenty kisses from me to you. The link to vote for me is simply . I promish to buy you bishkit and schweet when I win the competition. Thankiu

Pleash continue to see my other fine fine pishures after the cut

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


image credit;google image

Little things can trigger bad days, it can start from getting stuck in a traffic, a bad phone conversation, a bad valentine day, pressure from your boss at work, accidents,or just waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes, you just wake up and go all negative, then the next thing is spoiling your day with all those thoughts of negativity and how things are not working out for you.

Not every day is good, but there is something good about everyday. It takes a strong person to see the positive on down days. Ultimately, you can fight life, it is either you complain all you want or stand up for yourself , accept everything, and put it together to create something worth smiling about. Knowing and accepting this gives you the ability to cope effectively with life's constant river of incidences,tragedies and situations, an act called RESILIENCE.  Please read after cut

Thursday, 26 March 2015

My Daily Fashion : Not too casual,Not too serious but super modest!

Well It is all about how comfortable you feel, when you know what fits you, nobody will have nothing on you..I am not doing this to show myself rather to appreciate myself and to tell us that we can be sexy and be modest at the same time, it is not a sin, you can be really nice looking and at the same time have the fear of God dwelling in you. If you do not love yourself, you cannot love people, a rule that is very paramount in our lives according to the word of God.

This post is going to bring in much fun later, as I will be featuring different people as time goes by, so before that, kindly enjoy these

However, do not forget your comments and suggestions in the comment box, if you want to showcase your fashion sense, you can mail me

See more pictures after cut

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Let's go CELINE ; Let us talk about LOVE

image credit ; google image unfathomable thing! I keep thinking, is the word overrated or underestimated? I really do not know, it just keeps me thinking and thinking.. You know, I have heard many true life stories about love, be it from the religious aspect or life generally, relationship, parental, and so on..I just cannot come to any conclusion.

These random thoughts brought me into asking the wonderful people around me what their views about love is really. Personally, I sometimes feel that love is something we are compelled to feel in this life, you know, more like a criterion because of some situations I have found myself in! Can the feel of attachment be compared to love? Do they really mean the same thing? Well to ease out certain 'misconceptions' I have about the word'love' I had to go all are few things my colleagues told me about love, in their own words...

Love is wonderful, love sucks, love is life, love is giving,love is kind and most of all, love is understanding - Bukola 
continue after cut

Friday, 20 March 2015

Life : My Regrets

image credit:goalvanise

You know there is nothing bad in looking back and remembering things you have done in the past...The word 'regret' is not such a bad thing....Yeah I know people say they do not regret a lot of things just to console themselves which on the long run, they actually did. I am not here to criticize I was just thinking and decided to share a part of life with you guys, things I regret doing and the ones I will regret if I do not do. Well For me, I have regretted many things in life, my only consolation has always been learning from it. I am not perfect, I have made a single mistake twice before in fact thrice before but the good thing at the end of the day is that I learnt from it...Some of the things I regretted in this life probably still regretting some will be shared with you guys below ; continue after cut

My Daily Fashion : Queen of Casuals

HMMMNNNNNNNN......Shy much!!!lol...ok guys, this post is going to be more personal as I will be sharing some of my daily wears with you guys. I am very much open to criticism, contributions, encouragements and discouragements lool ....

I am always happy when it is Thursday and Friday at my place of work simply because we are allowed to dress in a casual way to work. I am a tomboy when it comes to wears but not at heart I believe fashion should be about what you feel is more naturally appealing to you as well as comfortable to you. Following trend is not really a bad thing but it goes wrong if it doesn't fit you or doesn't go along with your personality. I am not a trendy person, I love trying out new things tho but following the trend is not really my thing...

Kindly enjoy these boring pictures lol, your comments and contributions are highly appreciated.

more after the cut

Sewa Thinks : Are we really happy?

Hmmnnn, guys, this is something that has really been bothering me for a while now, if you know me very well, you will know that I am a social media person, instagram, twitter, facebook, vine, bbm, just name it... I have seen different people s post  and I keep wandering if they are actually what they appear to be.
Fine, I get it, some people try to encourage themselves by creating that illusion of being happy while some people just want to impress and make other feel less of themselves, I did my homework and some findings and I notice over 60% of people are not what they appear to be in terms of happiness, yes I know, while over 40% try to convince themselves which is a good thing to do, I can be guilty of this sometimes, maybe,just maybe because I just want to convince myself that I am happy, whereas, I am more than sad in the real life, just sometimes though. lol
more after cut

Thursday, 19 March 2015

BAD BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!

Image credit : eschooltoday

For me, this is a very sensitive topic simply because my hatred for bad breath, body odor can never be over estimated. Many people of all ages have bad breath. In some people, it might be for a short period of time while in others, might be a permanent thing. Well good news is that over 50% of bad breath is usually caused by gums and tongue - not the teeth as we all generally believe.

Over 70% of people with bad breath do not know they have such thing, according to new research,people think bad breath is a minor topic to overlook whereas new findings discovered that it is actually a disease termed as 'halitosis' in humans. Four common causes of bad breath are;
1. Dry mouth
3.Poor dental Hygiene
4.Illness and disease

Discussing these topic is all about awareness, many people will not tell you if you have a bad breath but we can all try as much as possible to be self conscious by trying to know if we have it or not. A very simple way to know if you have this disease is by smelling your mouth covering it halfway, better still, ask a very to help you smell your mouth, it is nothing to be ashamed of.

The first step to recovery is knowing and accepting if you have a bad breath, second step is to visit your dentist while the third step is making extra effort to always brush our teeth daily and watch what we eat as well.

Please Note - Bad breath is rarely associated with life-threatening diseases. However, it is important that you consult your doctor or dentist as soon as you notice consistent white spots on the tonsils and sores in the mouth with or without a fever. Sometimes bad breath is triggered by severe health problems such as throat or mouth cancers, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, digestive system disorders or diabetes. Halitosis can also indicate dehydration or zinc deficiency. Taking proper care of your teeth and visiting the dentist at least twice a year are the easiest ways to avoid breath problems.

More on bad breath would be further discussed in subsequent posts.. Stay By

Random Stuffz

Just messing around..hehehehehe my first time being a blogger...let s do this!!!!!