real to the core

health+lifestyle+inspiration+style+fashion+entertainment etc.....

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

6 Major Reasons Why Women Cheat

The rate at which women cheat on their partners nowadays is really alarming not to talk about the fact that we are in the 21st century, where women are becoming more and more empowered, allowed to be tough,to speak their mind,fight for gender inequality, to be financially independent, to enjoy sex and many more.
Do not get me wrong, I am not saying all that is listed above are the reasons why women cheat, they are just some of the factors that make women feel more entitled to certain things in life especially when it comes to the essence of their existence.
Women have come a long way in fighting for the essence of their existence though they still want to feel loved, pampered and irresistible. Now to all the men wondering why their women find it easy to cheat on them or why they cheat on them,these following reasons will enlighten you further;

1. Boredom
Most men do not know how to keep up with women after a certain period of time. They tend to stop spicing things up,stop doing all that it took them to get her mostly because they have already spent on their energy on chasing her without reserving most for preserving her. Women nature needs to be tend to and nurtured. Once women don't get what they were getting when they fell in love anymore, they tend to fall out of love or get bored easily,hence, they cheat. Please click to continue

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Back From Hiatus

Where do I start from? So many people have been asking me what the problem is.. Well life happened! I was caught up with school activities, work, wedding preparations, Oh yes I got married some months ago, still trying to adjust to the new status. Thank you so much for your concerns. I'm back now and it's for good. Trust me!

My sincere apologies to you all. HAPPY NEW YEAR